Pan Pan's CASCANDO von Samuel Beckett
Outdoor-Performance im Rahmen von NCETK No. 5 
am 28. Mai um 16 Uhr und um 17.30 Uhr
am 29. Mai um 16 Uhr, 17.30 Uhr und 19 Uhr 
Treffpunkt Neustadt 1 | Eintritt frei & Voranmeldung empfohlen
Begleite Samuel Becketts kuriose Gestalten in eine unbekannte Zukunft. Die irische Theater- und Performancegruppe Pan Pan Theatre verleiht Samuel Becketts Hörspiel Cascando aus dem Jahr 1963 eine neue, eindringliche Energie und verwandelt es in eine fesselnde Erfahrung, bei der das Publikum Teil der Aufführung wird. In dunkle Umhänge gekleidet und mit Kopfhörern ausgestattet, wird das Publikum in einem rhythmischen, mitreißenden, choreografischen Gruppenerlebnis durch Marburg geleitet. Die Teilnehmenden lauschen dabei der zutiefst aufwühlenden und doch gebrochenen Geschichte eines Mannes, der verzweifelt versucht, eine Geschichte zu Ende zu bringen.

Accompany Samuel Beckett’s curious figures into an uncertain future. Attired in dark cloaks and given headphones, audiences are guided through a rhythmic, immersive, group choreographical experience.
First broadcast in 1963, Cascando begins with the curious character Opener (Daniel Reardon) setting the scene: the month of May, a time of “reawakening”.  The Opener commands two other presences: the winding Voice (Andrew Bennett) caught between arrest (” – stories … if you could finish it …”) and progress (“- nearly … just a few more … a few more”), and Music (designed by Jimmy Eadie), whole and forceful.
Director Gavin Quinn, dramaturg Nicholas Johnson and designer Aedín Cosgrove recognise this as a journey. The audience are sent walking in an outdoor landscape, wearing cloaks and listening to the play on headphones.  The unhurried pace of Bennett’s deep and riveting voice provides a rhythm for our steps, as we listen to Voice’s struggle to tell a story. 
The absent figure named Woburn is identified by his “same old coat” and vague memories of a cave or shelter. As the same-dressed audience pass each other in the dark surroundings, it appears that images of the text have been slyly extracted. Has the audience been unknowingly cast as the play’s mystifying wanderer?
Along this journey, the tremendous pulse of Eadie’s music threatens to overwhelm. It rises in a wave of crashing strings, eventually settling to ring, pining, with Voice’s efforts.  If you suspected that Woburn’s journey resembled a pilgrimage, Reardon’s sullen Opener somewhat confirms it, suggesting God and a parable: “two outings and a return, to the village, to the inn”.
Director: Gavin Quinn
Designer: Aedín Cosgrove
Sound Design and Music: Jimmy Eadie
Dramaturg: Nicholas Johnson
Opener: Daniel Reardon (Voice Recording)
Voice: Andrew Bennett (Voice Recording)
Photos by: Tristram Kenton