First workshop 9.-11.11. 2018

Love pain is essentially shaped by the social conditions of the time – so every broken heart is not only a private problem, but one of the phenomena of capitalist society. Countless songs, poems, oaths and chained hearts on various bridges leave no doubt that love, above all romantic love, is more than a symptom: we can not and do not want to live without them – but who can succeed, the ideal to match the perfect love relationship, and what’s that?
With Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet as a slide, our biographies and the book „Why Love Hurts“ by the sociologist Eva Illouz, we want to develop a play that sheds light on the crisis of romantic love. From November 2018 to July 2019, a weekend every weekend will be researched, rehearsed and discussed. In August 2019, the piece development will be performed by TNT. Head: Katrin Hylla
A cooperation of the TNT with the Käthe Kollwitz School and the St. Elisabeth Club Marburg. Sponsored by the program „Paths to the Theater“ by ASSITEJ.e.V. funds from the Federal Foundation CULTURE MAKE STRONG. Participation is free. For binding registration please contact
When we meet:
Friday, November 9 from 5 p.m.
Saturday, November 10, 11 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Sunday, November 11, 11 a.m. – 3 p.m.
To the event calendar