#DACH-Residenzprogramm des Fonds Darstellende Künste

Tamila Ivaschenko | Таміла Іващенко
“Exclusive senses: An observational and experimental research to explore the (im)possible movements.“
1.11.2022 – 31.12.2022
In den Monaten November und Dezember 2022 dient das TNT als betreuende Spielstätte für eine junge Tänzerin aus der Ukraine. Tamila Ivaschenko lebt seit April 2022 in Wiesbaden. Mit ihrer Offenheit, Warmherzigkeit und vor allem Passion für Kunst und Tanz erstrebt sie die Suche nach neuen Möglichkeiten für Selbstentwicklung und Selbsterfahrung in neuen Realitäten.
After 9 years of training in the Kharkov Ballet School, I started studying at the State Professional Choreographic College in Kyiv in 2019. In April this year my family had to evacuate from Ukraine due to the war and we arrived in Wiesbaden. Since then I have tried to maintain my artistic spirit, to train daily and to discover and exploit my body abilities not only in a free space, but also to participate in accessible artistic projects. It was important to me to try to immerse myself in a new society and culture, to meet people and discover new teaching methods. Now I am enrolled as a guest student at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Frankfurt, in the subject BA Dance.